BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 28

28 business elite canada
have a devastating effect on the pop-
ulation. The most current predictions
indicate that by 2025, the prevalence
obesity, a major risk factors for SCDs,
will hover at 25 per cent in adult Ca-
nadian men and women.
“We contribute to educating health
professionals and the general public
regarding the causes, complications,
treatment and prevention of SCDs,”
says Dr. Richard. “Our research chairs
all have knowledge transfer vocations.
As but one example, the International
Chair of Dr. JP Després has developed
an educational website on cardiomet-
abolic risk, which has been visited by
people from 168 countries in recent
The research programs at the QHILI
Research Centre are based on tight
collaborations between clinicians and
basic scientists, which keeps the basic
science grounded on clinical needs.
Over the past decades, we have
mounted cutting edge, and some-
times exclusive, experimental capa-
bilities to investigate SCDs.
Other important examples demon-
strating how discovery in our milieu
will continue to lead to major benefits
to Canadians emerges from our re-
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