BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 24

24 business elite canada
research-care paradigm allows us to
identify research priorities according
to the clinical issues arising from the
Institute’s subspecialties.”
One of the most rapidly growing re-
search centers in Canada, the QHLI
Research Center has quadrupled its
employees in the last 20 years. Five
major infrastructure grants ($80 M)
has allowed QHLI Research Center to
initiate and realize an expansion plan
with unique clinical and preclinical
research core facilities to investigate
obesity and other risk factors for Type
2 diabetes, cardiovascular and respi-
ratory diseases.
“Currently, no other academic re-
search setting in Canada is focused
understanding the molecular mecha-
nisms underlying SCDs, while at the
same time applying basic research
findings to prevention and clinical in-
tervention in humans,” says Dr. Rich-
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