building a world-class transit and
transportation system; continuing
transit projects across the GTHA; and
Investing $13.5 billion through Moving
Ontario Forward to enable faster and
more frequent service on the GO rail
network, and the list goes on.
Infrastructure Ontario (IO) is the or-
ganization that takes much of those
plans off paper and, through extraor-
dinary business acumen, planning,
financing, and logistics, turns them
into reality. Whether it’s construction
on a new hospital, highway or tran-
sit line, the revitalization of provincial
real estate, or a loan to a municipality
for a bridge or recreation centre, IO
is helping create vibrant, sustainable
communities where families and busi-
nesses can thrive.
Infrastructure Ontario is one of the
most successful organizations of its
kind, in part because of a foundation
880 Bay St - Demolition
32 business elite canada