BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 36

ment level to communications, was
a true value add for those of us who
had not experienced a project of this
size and scope," Hardenne continued.
“One of the means in which we are
able to deliver upon these projects
is through the AFP, or Alternative
Financing and Procurement, model
which leverages partnerships with the
private sector,” says Dicker. The guid-
ing principles for AFPs are transpar-
ency, accountability, value for money,
public ownership and control and pub-
lic interest. “Planned, built, operated
on budget, on schedule, and without
the traditional pitfalls of mega con-
struction projects,” adds Dicker. “The
public sector has so many priorities
and fiscal constraints, it absolutely
needs the help of private sector, for
its balance sheets, experience and in-
IO’s work extends beyond build-
ing mega projects. Its Infrastructure
Lending and Real Estate teams work
alongside those major projects to
keep Ontario strong. IO is the entity
responsible for Ontario’s portfolio of
government buildings and lands—
one of the largest and most diverse
in the country, of nearly 5,000 provin-
Milton Velodrome
36 business elite canada
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