ships with and represents companies
such as Honeywell (Salisbury, Miller,
BW), 3M, Hastings, Columbus McK-
innon, CPI, Allied Bolt, Capital Safe-
ty (DBI Sala), Greenlee, Timberland
Equipment, to name but a few.
LTL’s expanse product offering in-
cludes, but is not limited to, personal
protective equipment, arc flash gear,
rubber goods, battery and hydraulic
tools, personal protective grounds,
live line tools, chain and web hoists,
meters, pole line equipment and elec-
trical apparatus. With large distribu-
tion centres in Ontario and Alberta,
LTL offers coast-to-coast sales cover-
age and timely deliveries to its cus-
LTL was proud to support the disas-
ter relief efforts by a Canadian utility
to restore power to communities im-
pacted by the 2017 hurricanes. Pull-
ing from its extensive inventory, large
numbers of grounds, hot sticks and
42 business elite canada