BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 48

equipment. “Again, we are all about
protecting the worker and the com-
pany, and have been doing so since
1958, so providing this service com-
pletes our full circle, comprehensive
offering. The LTL name truly is synon-
ymous with electrical,” says Burgess.
The Power Technical Service Division
offers compliant electrical engineer-
ing services, CSA-Z462 compliant
arc flash hazard analyses, substation
design, installation, maintenance, in-
frared thermography, S&C Electric
factory-trained PHM switchgear refur-
bishing, and Transformer oil regenera-
tion services.
Burgess adds, “Because LTL under-
stands and values the importance
of minimal downtime, LTL service
trucks are equipped with substa-
tion repair equipment and specialty
parts.” Additionally, should there be
a need, LTL has available inventory
in its 53,000-square-foot facility in-
cluding three-phase gang operated
disconnect switches of all sizes and
configurations, fuse assemblies, fuses,
terminators, high voltage switchgear,
transformers, etc. Power generators
are also available as part of LTL’s
emergency power solutions. Burgess
claims that LTL can restore power
within a ten-hour period in 80 per cent
of plant substation power failures.
To properly support its customers, the
LTL team includes certified technolo-
gists, laboratory technicians, electri-
cal engineers, linemen, master elec-
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