BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 47

development of uniformity and set-
ting standards in protective equip-
ment testing, and the ASTM F18 Tech-
nical Committee for setting standards
and establishing best practices for the
protection of the electrical worker.
A three-pronged company, the Power
Technical Services Division comple-
ments and completes LTL’s vision
for a full service offering. This divi-
sion supports companies in effec-
tively managing their substations and
protective control systems. Through
regular equipment maintenance, the
customer has protected itself with re-
spect to insurance coverage, reducing
the risk of production downtime, but
more importantly, ensuring the safety
of the operator working on or near this
“Our collective industry experience instills confidence in our customers
knowing that we understand firsthand the risks and dangers associated
with electrical work as we are electrical workers.”
-Robert Burgess, President
business elite canada 47
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