to necessary authorities during an
investigation should an incident oc-
cur where a worker is injured. Aside
from safety considerations, proper
certification benefits customers’ bot-
tom lines. “Equipment that is properly
maintained lasts longer, performs to
its original manufacturer specifica-
tions, and is in a condition that mini-
mizes the risk of interruption or harm
to the worker.”
To further conform to legislation, LTL
ensures that initial electrical accep-
tance tests are performed (IHSA Elec-
trical Utility Safety Rules book, Section
134, Clause 2). Under the manufactur-
ing specification as described in the
ASTM D120, Section 11.2 to 11.3.1, the
product manufacturer has options as
to how to proof-test equipment in the
factory. As most manufacturers do not
provide test reports, there is no abil-
44 business elite canada