other tools were quickly assembled
and shipped to the airport for imme-
diate deployment. “The breadth of
our inventory is a big advantage for
us,” says Robert Burgess, President.
“Manufacturers can and do experi-
ence delivery issues whereas we have
product readily available for our cus-
tomers. It gives us, and our customers,
a solid foundation not only for emer-
gency situations, but on a daily basis.
Not just a supply house—we have the
knowledge and back up to support
today’s utilities with custom builds,
repairs and certifications.”
Another keen advantage between
LTL and another supplier “would be
the fact that we certify, service, and
warranty, in-house, what we sell,” says
Burgess. “People rely on our capabili-
ties for their safety and lives, some-
thing we take very seriously.”
“We pride ourselves in staying abreast
of new and changing legislation,” says
Burgess. To that end, LTL laboratories
are NAIL-accredited, and LTL’s com-
prehensive electrical services are con-
ducted in accordance to all applicable
industry standards, including IEEE,
LTL is home to Canada’s largest NAIL-
accredited certified high voltage test-
ing facilities. To comply with the ac-
creditation, LTL laboratories must
maintain detailed procedures manuals
and records of all equipment tested.
The ability for a company or worker to
present a test report proves advanta-
geous in demonstrating due diligence
“LTL’s high voltage and tool repair facilities have distinguished the company,
evolving over the years to include inspection, testing and calibration of most
equipment used in our industry.”
-Robert Burgess, President
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