BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 21

“Our research is changing medical practice for the greater well-being of the
patients. Without discovery, medical care in cardiology, respirology and
obesity would not be what it is today.’’
–Dr. Denis Richard, Director of the Research Centre
business elite canada 21
Business Elite Canada
spoke with Dr.
DenisRichard, Directorof theResearch
Centre, about the ground-breaking
research conducted at the centre for
the advancement in the treatment
and prevention of the SCDs. To say
the work being done is outstanding is
an understatement; the the QHLI Re-
search Centre’s world-class research-
ers are generating some of the most-
cutting-edge research in these fields
in the world today.
The QHLI is a supraregional hospital
offering specialized (tertiary) care
and services in cardiology, pulmon-
ology and obesity surgery, serving a
population base of over 2 million. The
only hospital in Canada to offer in one
location specialized and ultraspecial-
ized care and services in cardiology,
pulmonology and obesity surgery, it
is the hospital with the largest clinical
volume in tertiary cardiology in Que-
bec and Canada in a single location;
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