new boat every few years to change the
colour, the options, or the technology, but
there are other customers who wait 10 to
15 years before making a new purchase.
David Bartlett, Pride Marine Group sales
specialist at the Orillia location, said the
technology has really been evolving and
that can appeal to customers looking for a
new boat sooner, though he noted that a
lot of the technology can also be added to
older boats.
“There are all kinds of upgrades now that
you can get technology wise, from your
Garmins, to your Raymarines, to your dif-
ferent plotters and your different radar sys-
tems,” said Bartlett. “The technology really
has gone forward, all the way to USB on
boats and plug-ins and Bluetooth.”
An important Pride selling feature for PMG,
Bartlett said, is that they provide a Deliv-
ery Captain upon delivery. “When you pur-
chase a new boat or a used boat out of our
inventory, we actually send the boat to the
area they want to go to,” said Bartlett. “We
deliver the boat to themwith a captain who
goes over the whole boat and spends time
on the water with the customer to ensure
they completely understand the boat and
how to operate it.”
“This gives (the customer) that experience
so they are well-trained before they actual-
ly go out on the boat. The delivery captain
spends the time to make sure that they
are comfortable and content with their
Another benefit of purchasing from Pride
Marine Group is the fact that their boats
also come with a complete mooring and
safety package, which includes bumpers,
ropes, life jackets, flares, and other neces-
“When we actually sell a boat, they do not
need to buy that extra stuff later. We make
sure it is on every boat when they pick it up
as well as a full tank of gas!” said Bartlett.
Customers desire the premium boat
brands, noted Bartlett, because they have
longevity and strong resale value. Pride
Marine Group sales specialists help with
boat selection, based on a question-and-
answer period with the customer. They
determine the required size, where they
will be boating, where they will be moor-
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