BEC / May-June / 2015 - page 79

ing, and the types of activities they will be
doing with the boat such as wakeboarding
or waterskiing. Since each location carries
their own specialty brands, all locations
communicate with each other to find the
best option for their clients, Bartlett said.
“We all work together as a team. If I do not
know much about a certain boat, I would
send it to the (representative) that sells
that particular boat brand and he would
look after the customer because he knows
that product better.
“That is what we try to get across to the
customer — we will look after you wher-
ever you’re located and provide you with
the best product specialist we can to deal
with your particular boating interests,” he
Teamwork is in fact one of Pride’s four
company values. Teamwork to Pride Ma-
rine Group means “building productive,
fulfilling, and cohesive relationships with
our customers, crewmembers, suppli-
ers, owners, and communities”. The other
values that they operate by are integrity,
earning the trust and loyalty of custom-
ers, crewmembers, suppliers, owners and
communities; financial health, by contribut-
ing significantly to the economic success
of customers, crewmembers, suppliers,
owners and communities; and excellence,
meeting or exceeding the expectations
of customers, crewmembers, suppliers,
owners, and communities.
Pride Marine Group can be found online at
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