BEC / May-June / 2015 - page 86

the kids are not really involved in business
and don’t want to run it. About 80 percent
of business owners are baby boomers, the
eldest of whom have recently reached re-
tirement age. That’s really important and
that’s a huge driver for business sales in
Canada,” Goguen said.
“There’s a growing professional class and
it’s so much less appealing to second gen-
eration business owners to go work in
their parents’ business because, generally
speaking, they are drawn to the prestige
of the medical, legal, business and tech-
nical professions,” Aden added. “Business
owners are finding it increasingly difficult
to offer an appealing career alternative to
their daughters and sons.”
“We both recognized the need for someone to create an effective bridge be-
tween mid-market and global capital markets. We didn’t see that need cur-
rently being met.” Paris Aden, Co-founder
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