Renewable energy is often overlooked
in North America’s oil-driven economy,
however Centennial Global Technology
Inc. is celebrating its 10th year as Cana-
da’s leading solar panel distributor. Ex-
panding its business to over 26 countries
and continents including Europe, Africa,
South America and Asia, the Montreal-
born company revels its unique position
as a Solar Photovoltaic’s -- a technology
that converts sunlight into electricity --
From its inception in 2003, the environ-
mentally-friendly company was driven
to expand to international markets. Ajoy
Das, CEO and founder of the company,
was determined to “get into the market
with our knowledge and meet the cus-
tomers’ needs.” Das brought the com-
pany into being on a promise that re-
newable energy would reach Canadian
homes and become more readily acces-
sible. “Business was good in the begin-
ning then came down, [it was a] tough
challenge for me but we’re doing well.”
The company got its start from working
with Montreal Universities, like Concor-
dia and McGill, supplying custom-made
solar panels, and working on local park-
ing meters. Their goal was to “get bet-
ter, unique products that not a lot of
bigger companies can offer.” The com-
business elite canada