BEC / October / 2013 - page 37

hensive Quality Assurance
and Training Program, which
all contractors who wish to
use the product must be certi-
fied under.
“The program is certified by a
third-party and involves an in-
class course, an examination,
and an evaluation component.
Subsequently, while in the
field, contractors have access
to field-trainers in order to
ensure they are delivering the
standards the company sets
under its Raising Per formance
to New Heights Program,”
says Couture. Over 600 certi-
fied applicators belong to the
Quality Assurance and Train-
ing Program.
“The construction industry is
looking for a more sustainable
approach,” notes Couture,
“and WALLTITE® supports
this direction. “WALLTITE®
business elite canada
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