BEC / October / 2013 - page 43

Established in 1971, Burka Architects
Inc. is a Toronto-based architectural
firm dedicated to improving Toronto’s
place as a global center. Ranging from
single-family houses to high-rise condo-
miniums, Burka’s innovative and func-
tional designs have played a large part in
the evolution of the city’s urban archi-
tecture. Focusing on more than just the
“sales value” of any given project, Burka
instead directs their attention towards
sustainability, affordability, function,
form, the environment and style.
We recently had an opportunity to speak
with Attila Burka, the Principal at Burka
Architects, who has been the driving
force behind the company since its in-
ception. Mr. Burka stated that the goals
of the firm are to “address affordabili-
ty, livability, and sustainability.” While
the company’s core strength has always
been residential high-rise development
design, Mr. Burka is resolute in the pur-
suit of practicality and efficiency.
“We don’t specifically say luxury or af-
fordability; we just apply basic design
principles to a program that can be at a
very high level or at a very affordable lev-
el and still are practical and efficient…
The way I would describe this is, cars are
getting smaller on the outside and bigger
on the inside… I do residential projects
that are bigger on the inside than on the
In terms of architectural projects, To-
ronto currently sits as one of the fastest-
growing cities in the world. As a result
of this ever-growing demand, the city is
faced with several problems.
“Where we’ve had difficulty is in the af-
fordability aspect… Toronto’s population
is growing and land is becoming scarcer
and scarcer and consequently purchase
prices of residential units in the Toronto
area are increasing at an alarming rate
and so [are] costs,” notes Burka. “It’s
getting to the point that it is very difficult
business elite canada
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