name a few. With a workforce
of over 600 people, the Cana-
dian organization takes pride
in “helping customers to meet
the current and future needs
of society.” One of the com-
pany’s products is WALLT-
ITE®, a medium density poly-
urethane foam insulation/air
barrier system designed to
improve the energy efficiency
of buildings.
Pierre Couture, Business De-
velopment Manager for BASF
Canada’s Polyurethane Sys-
tems business, describes
WALLTITE® as, “not only a
name and a colour, but a full
concept,” in part referring to
the trademark purple color
that distinguishes the product
from its competitors. That is
certainly the case. BASF Can-
ada delivers a myriad of tools
alongside its product WALLT-
ITE®. One tool is a compre-
business elite canada