design gave the building its
character. Floor plates turn
one above the other at specif-
ic angles to deliver the desired
shape. It is a combination of
art, math and geometry that
creates this unusual but func-
tional shape.”
Burka Architects believes that
“urban land is a prime re-
source; it deserves the best
thinking and analysis, so that
the maximum benefits will
accrue to the greatest number
of people.”
Although it is an uphill bat-
tle, Burka is confident that
“the quality of design has
improved… Urban design
has become stronger in cities
[and] we simply have to at-
tract people with more attrac-
tive buildings. If we do that I
think we have arrived at the
next step.”
He continued, “Sustainability
is everybody’s concern now.
Whatever we do, it cannot just
be a one-time project, it has
to be repeatable and it has to
be responsible to its commu-
nity and environment… In my
42-year career I have learned
that the building is just one
piece in the landscape; it’s re-
ally the city and the commu-
nity that count.”
For over 40 years, the firm has
provided innovative designs
and served as a substantial in-
fluence in Toronto’s growth as
a major metropolitan center.
As they turn their collective
eyes towards the future, Burka
Architecture Inc. understands
that “good architecture and
value must be inherent in the
solution, not in the frills.”
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