Based in Mission, British Co-
lumbia, Converge Construction
is making quite a name for it-
self in the commercial and resi-
dential construction industries.
Founded in 2008, the company
has already seen a substantial
amount of growth and develop-
ment since it has begun opera-
tions. Converge Construction is
armed with a skilled team of in-
dustry professionals with years
of experience in both commer-
cial and residential building. As
a team, they aim to achieve the
very best for their clients. Each
year in business has led to a suc-
cession of larger and more chal-
lenging projects. Their man-
agement team includes project
managers William Vroom,
Dwayne Vanderveen, and David
Vandergaag. Jonathan Vander-
pol, Director of Business Devel-
opment says, “We’ve continued
to expand our reach locally and
across Western Canada.”
In terms of residential projects,
Converge Construction builds
approximately 6 custom houses
per year. This commitment to
building cutting-edge housing
has allowed the firm to stay
current with the latest design
trends. Additionally, it has en-
abled them to become knowl-
edgeable about the most envi-
ronmentally friendly building
methods. This has led to con-
business elite canada