struction on homes in Lang-
ley, Mission, White Rock, and
other local BC communities.
The firm credits Willson De-
sign Group, based in Abbots-
ford, BC, with developing the
striking and innovative de-
signs for their residential proj-
ects. An increasing number
of residential clientele has oc-
curred organically, with refer-
rals being their predominant
source of new business.
However, Converge Construc-
tion’s emphasis is on their
commercial building side,
where the vast majority of
their marketing efforts are
currently focused. The com-
pany has acquired many con-
struction contracts through-
out the province of British
Columbia. Clients in BC have
included Safeway, Subway,
A& W, Quiznos, Wendy’s,
Starbucks and many others.
business elite canada