ority. The VRCA offers every-
thing from safety programs to
youth mentorships.
“The best attended seminars
and breakfast meetings are
those where we invite guests
in to talk about upcoming
project opportunities,” says
Networking is also a crucial
part of the business. “We have
different divisions in our orga-
nization. Of course, members
want to work with each other
-- the trade contractors want
to network with the general
contractors and manufac-
turers and suppliers want to
work with the trade contrac-
tors,” explains Robinson. That
said, the VRCA have really
well-attended events. The golf
tournament alone sells out in
20 minutes and is attended by
approximately 350 people.
One program the VRCA is
particularly proud of is the
Awards of Excellence, which
celebrates its members’ work
in the construction industry.
In its 25th year this October,
the Awards of Excellence hon-
ours the hard work, accom-
plishments and dedication
of the VRCA’s members. “It
gives the members who win
the awards some really strong
bragging rights,” says Robin-
VRCA doesn’t stop at project
information, education and
networking though. “Another
business elite canada