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who will offer compassion and kindness, and we will     In 2019, BTFC launch the national Brain Tumour

        continue to hope that one day we find a cure and an     Registry of Canada alongside Dr. Faith Davis, a

        end to brain tumours.”                                  brain tumour epidemiologist at the University of
                                                                Alberta and current vice-chair of BTFC Board of
        MAKING ADVANCEMENTS                                     Directors. This is a first-of-its-kind registry providing

                                                                exclusively Canadian data on both malignant and

        Since its inception, Brain Tumour Foundation of         non-malignant tumours, to better understand

        Canada (BTFC) has raised nearly $10 million in          prevalence and survival rates for brain tumours, and
        direct funding to research, says LaHay. The impact      get a better picture on who is affected, and possible

        of research funded by Brain Tumour Foundation           causes. The new 2021 Incidence and Mortality
        of Canada is undeniable. It has helped improve          Report is the most thorough report of its kind in

        the accuracy of radiation treatments, shorten           Canada.

        treatment regimen times, limit side effects from
        chemo, and improve quality of life for patients after   “One of our recent advocacy efforts resulted in the

        surgery. BTFC is also the sole funder of the first      delay of the discontinuation in Canada of a key

        Brain Tumour Tissue Bank in Canada, providing free      chemotherapy drug, lomustine (CCNU), that is often
        samples to clinical researchers around the world to     used to treat glioblastoma,” says LaHay. “Following

        further the search for a cure.                          our outreach and advocacy letter, representatives of

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