Page 90 - BEC / OCT / 2022
P. 90
Toronto Conference
VOLUNTEER SUPPORTED a connection to patients, survivors, and caregivers
so that they can receive the support and resources
that they need.
BTFC is a completely donor-funded organization;
Funds are raised through sponsorships,
Its volunteer base is a key resource for BTFC. Its
partnerships, and the generous donations of
volunteer Board of Directors and Committees are
individuals, businesses, foundations, and special
filled with a variety of professionals who provide
governance and oversight as well as experience and
expertise in policy, finance, marketing, law, industry,
“BTFC also has a dedicated team of healthcare
healthcare, and government. “This breadth of
professionals and volunteers supporting us
experience and expertise is invaluable to advancing
towards our common goal to end brain tumours,”
the work of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada,”
says LaHay. “Our healthcare professionals act as
says LaHay.
ambassadors, support research efforts, and provide