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situation. Forty years later, Kelly continues to touch Of course, for each patient diagnosed with a brain
Canadians’ lives every day, through the advocacy, tumour, there is a larger support network that is also
research, information, support, and education affected—family, friends, and caretakers.
provided by Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada.
“When we have a safe space to share our difficulties,
SUPPORTING CANADIANS our worries, our celebrations, this type of sharing,
or storytelling, can often bring a sense of meaning,
Every day, 27 Canadians are diagnosed with a purpose, or understanding to these experiences,”
brain tumour, and an estimated 55,000 Canadians shared LaHay. “This can be especially true to
are currently surviving with a brain tumour. Brain those who have been impacted by a brain tumour
Tumour Foundation of Canada is the only national diagnosis. Hope can mean many different things
organization that supports the needs of Canadians depending on the diagnosis and on the individual.
affected by both malignant and non-malignant brain There will always be challenges when facing a
tumours. This includes over 120 types of primary brain tumour diagnosis, but if we can face these
brain and central nervous system (CNS) tumours, challenges together, we can create a community of
which makes effective treatment very complicated. strength and support, a community who will listen,