Page 82 - BEC / OCT / 2022
P. 82

The project involves remediation of the Gunnar          The project consisted of road repair work to access

        Mine site to reduce the overall risk to the immediate   site, clearing and grubbing of vegetation, placement

        environment and to transform the Site to its natural    of rip rap over historical Arsenic contamination on
        use to allow for re-establishment of vegetation and     the shoreline and within the water of Douglas Lake,

        traditional use of the land.                            consolidation of approximately 3,400m3 of former

                                                                tailings and contaminated soil into 3 landforms,
        In 2021, QM Points was contracted to perform the        construction of an engineered cover system for

        reclamation and remediation of the former Newcor        the landforms, construction of an engineered

        Mine site in Northern Saskatchewan. Newcor mine         concrete and steel cover for the former mineshaft
        was a former underground gold mine located on the       entrance, topsoil placement and re-seeding of the

        shore of Douglas Lake, SK with historical Arsenic       worksite. The work was completed on schedule and
        contamination.                                          on-budget, leading to the successful reclamation

                                                                and remediation of 11,000m2 of land.

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