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he Athabasca Basin—one of Canada’s              Based out of Saskatoon, QM Points has been in
                richest mineral deposits—is best known as       operation in the Athasbasca Basin since 2018.

        Tthe world's leading source of high-grade               The company has forged its reputation as a
        uranium, currently suppling about 20 per cent of the    leading Indigenous Environmental Construction

        world's uranium.                                        Contractor committed to Indigenous inclusion,

                                                                capacity building and long-term sustainability in
        The Athabasca Basin requires the  most cutting-         the Athabasca Basin communities, including Fond

        edge construction and mining techniques in order        du Lac, Stony Rapids, Black Lake, Hatchet Lake,

        to safely and properly mine the region in the           Wollaston Lake, Camsell Portage and Uranium
        most environmentally-friendly way possibly. This        City and beyond. This uniquely solutions-based

        demanding area attracts only the best and sharpest      organization combines the proven success,

        crews, and not surprisingly, it is most often local     expertise, and experience of QM Environmental and
        Canadian companies that bring the Athasaca to the       Points Athabasca Contracting LP.


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