BEC / SEPT / 2017 - page 15

piece of infrastructure will help to protect
Alberta’s environment, enhance the safety
of this pipeline and ensure the province’s
resources get to market.”
The Line 3 Replacement Pipeline is the
most extensive engagement program in
Enbridge history. Across the Canadian proj-
ect, more than $3 million to be invested in
community-focused initiatives in 2017 and
2018, including recent announcement of
$100,000 to theTown of Provost for camp-
ground upgrades, playground upgrades,
laptops and literacy programs for kids.
Engagement with Indigenous communi-
ties was also a major priority. Enbridge
reached out to approximately 150 Indig-
enous communities, and 1,000 in-person
meetings with Chief and Councils, Elders
and other community members.
“We're very proud of the extensive and
supportive engagement with communities
and indigenous groups along the right of
way,” says Al Monaco, Enbridge President
and CEO. “We focused on early and col-
laborative discussions, listened to input,
and made changes to address people's
concerns while ensuring that communi-
ties and our indigenous partners benefit
through jobs and procurement opportu-
nities. The engagement we've had with
communities has made this project even
For more information on the Line 3
Replacement Project, please visit
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