business elite canada 21
worldwide advisory organization focused
on improving the performance, efficiency,
and reliability of business-critical infrastruc-
ture through innovation, collaboration, and
independent certifications. Their experts
possess deep background with the tech-
nical criteria required to reach an Uptime
Institute certification.
“LGT is the most specialized engineer-
ing firm for data center and critical infra-
structure in the province of Quebec,” says
Gagné. “A highly specialized team of pro-
fessionals in this field allows us to offer in-
novative counselling services to data cen-
ter owners and managers. The goal is to
optimize the security, reliability, efficiency,
and cost of construction and operation
without forgetting the total cost of owner-
“LGT has carried out many different man-
dates in data center and critical infrastruc-
ture,” says Martin Boucher, associate and
IT Vice President. Adding to the complex-
ity of the data center world, some of these
projects consisted of expansion or mod-