“By mastering the implementation schedules and the financial objectives of
our clients, LGT is able to propose ingenious concepts from every perspective.
Our philosophy is clear: the sky is the limit.’’ - Moïse Gagné (President)
business elite canada 25
More precisely, PUE is a ratio of much en-
ergy a data center uses in contrast to ener-
gy required for cooling and support other
auxiliary equipment. The annual average
PUE calculated for this concept was 1.25.
Considering that all energy generated by
the data center is reused elsewhere in the
building for heating, the energy reuse fac-
tor is close to 1. The overall energy-saving
strategies implemented in this project
have resulted in a reduction of more than
55 per cent in energy consumption com-
pared to industry standards. This perfor-
mance also led the building distinction to
the prestigious LEED NC OR certification.
The teamwill continue to look out for more
development opportunities, and has plans
to continue growing—with a goal of 140
employees and a Toronto office open by
2022. Even if LGT doesn’t currently have
offices outside of Quebec, this doesn’t
preclude Ontario clients to use their ser-
vices. ‘’Our reputation already resonates
in Ontario. Opportunities are presented to
us and we will seize every single of occa-
sions,’’ says Gagné. ‘’Our commercial net-
work is strong in Quebec. It’s time to in-
crease our development in other parts of