BEC / SEPT / 2017 - page 19

business elite canada 19
Data Centers and Critical Infrastructure industry. Since its establish-
ment, more than 4,000 mandates have been completed for more
than 800 clients. In fact, LGT is well known for its collaborative ap-
proach with professionals and all stakeholders in the project.
“There are as many different projects as there are clients,” says Moïse
Gagné, President. “We adapt our consulting-services to our clients’
needs without losing sight of the life cycle project. By mastering the
implementation schedules and the financial objectives of our clients,
LGT proposes ingenious concepts from every perspective. Our phi-
losophy is clear: sky is the limit.’’
LGT engineers are highly trained in Data Center and Critical Infra-
structure, and their experience covers all types of clients and instal-
lation, including colocation, corporate, institutional, telecommunica-
tion, etc. LGT has designed, audited and commissioned several data
center installation types,
from small closet to hy-
perscale colocation cen-
ter. It is also very familiar
with high density rooms,
as high as 380W/pi2.
Within these projects,
the team has developed
a unique understand-
ing of the different tech-
nologies available in the
market, including static
or rotary UPS, genera-
tor, mechanical and free
cooling technology, high
density design or medi-
um voltage installation.
(Operations’ Director)
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