business elite canada
everyone, which ultimately
delivers both faster and better
results,” adds Rick.
The development of SMART’s
BIM Room Solution is sig-
nificantly influenced by the
people who use them. In es-
sence, SMART consults with
customers to help define
their products. For example,
SMART turned to two of the
largest construction organiza-
tions in the United States –
Turner Construction and DPR
Construction - to help create
the requirements for the inte-
grations with industry leading
AEC software applications.
“When everyone sees the im-
pact that changing something
in one spot has on other ar-
eas – it gives everyone an
appreciation for what each
person is bringing to the proj-
ect,” says Atul Khanzode,
DPR Construction’s Director
of Virtual Building. “This op-
portunity to explore and re-
solve pain points in a virtual
environment ahead of time
will have a direct impact on
how smoothly construction
will go.” Echoing these senti-
ments, Dan Gramer of Turner
Construction asserts, “It has
changed our meetings. We’re
able to get on topic, pull up
a 3D model, show the prob-
lem and quickly get others on
SMART has worked with Stan-
ford University’s Centre for In-
tegrated Facility Engineering
(CIFE) and its clients for close
to a decade. As a premier aca-
demic research center for Vir-
tual Design and AEC industry
projects, CIFE supports ex-
ceptionally reliable engineer-
ing and management practices
to plan, design, construct and