business elite canada
operate sustainable facilities.
The world-renowned Univer-
sity has closely assessed the
application and released a re-
search paper on the economic
impact of adopting SMART
Solutions into organizations
that have implemented build-
ing information modeling.
Their findings conclude that
these companies can real-
ize a return of investment in
as little as one week and im-
prove on-time per formance.
John Kunz, Executive Direc-
tor of CIFE, relays that, “the
result of an economic analy-
sis of these benefits and as-
sociated costs suggest a very
strong business case for this
collaboration technology for
a broad spectrum of design
and construction organiza-
tions.” The study confirms
that shorter project meetings,
improved safety and a bet-
ter understanding of client
requirements are a result of
implementing SMART’s hard-
ware and software solution.
RFI’s (request for informa-
tion) are required when the
parties involved in the proj-
ect need additional informa-
tion or clarity, either at the bid
phase or construction phase.
Improving the collaboration