business elite canada
and what doesn’t. The evolu-
tion of a plan can take place
right there, when normally it
would take three meetings,”
explains Helma Gansen,
President of Gansen Lindsay
Design Consultants. “The
SMART Board is a tool that
is very relevant to the way we
communicate and work to-
A critical success factor also
proves to be that industry
leaders, such as Trimble, have
worked closely with SMART
to improve the software –
which is constantly evolving
and improving -- and help
provide specific solutions.
“If I were to describe some-
thing in words and voice only,
there would be miscommu-
nications and clarifications
required, but if I show you
visually and draw out how it
works it’ll be clearer and re-
quire less time,” Kennedy ad-
vocates. It is because of these
significant results and savings
reaching into the millions that
the members of the AEC in-
dustry have dubbed SMART
Solutions for AEC Project
Teams as “game-changing.”
SMART Technologies Inc. -
the mastermind behind this
imperative product - is a lead-
ing provider of technology so-
lutions that enable inspired
collaboration in schools and
workplaces around the world,
by turning group work into a
highly interactive, engaging
and productive experience.
SMART delivers integrated
solutions of hardware, soft-
ware and services, designed
for superior per formance and
ease of use, and retains its
place as a frontrunner in in-
teractive displays.
For more information on The
SMART BIM Room and other
solutions, visit: