SMART - page 8

business elite canada
be saved and immediately
emailed to all participants. No
longer does someone need to
painstakingly attempt to de-
cipher discussion notes and
transcribe mark-ups in order
to share such details.
IBSECAD, a UK based 3D De-
sign Company runs a series of
workshops on various com-
puter aided model (CAD) ap-
plications including Autodesk
Navisworks. Here is how Rich-
ard Baglow, Regional Director
of IBSECAD, describes the
benefits of using SMART’s
BIM Room. “This is a big step
forward from looking at paper
drawings and makes it easi-
er for the clients to visualise
their projects. However, the
challenge lies in how we work
with those models, record the
collaborative process and cap-
ture changes to the plans. We
were limited to using screen
grabs of images and marking
them up by hand, using Pho-
toshop packages or the com-
mentary tool on Autodesk
Navisworks, but it was a rel-
atively slow process.” The
combination of hardware and
software support ensures bet-
ter coordination and commu-
nication during any phase of
project delivery from concept
to construction to close-out.
AEC project team members
now have the ability to col-
laborate, communicate and
coordinate with other project
members using SMART’s re-
mote collaboration capability.
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