business elite canada
industry faces is reluctance
to adopt new technology un-
less they are highly motivated
and is easy to use. “When we
have students arrive or new
hires join, at first they can
be a bit hesitant to use it. But
once they do, there’s just no
going back. You just keep us-
ing it and finding new ways
to use it, as well,” says Peter
Osborne, Partner at GEC Ar-
chitecture. “There’s always a
challenge in terms of people
having to work differently
with a change of technology,”
says Kennedy. “Our consult-
ing and adoption services
were created to try to under-
stand how the technology is
to be used and how organi-
zations will work differently
given the new capability. We
go in and work with custom-
ers and show them how they
can take full advantage of the
technology to enhance their
workflows. We have a vested
interest in people’s success.”
“With the SMART solution,
we can very easily demon-
strate what works in a design