BEC / July / 2014 - page 126

the welding industry. The company predomi-
nately provides welding positioners, vessel ro-
tators and pipe and tank turning rolls and weld-
ing automation. A sister company specializing
in automated metal processing established in
2012 exists in Saskatchewan and supplies LJ
Welding with all of its laser cut steel, and steel
for the equipment it manufactures in Alber-
ta. LJ Welding has a standard product line of
equipment for sale and for rent.
It also has a very technologically sophisti-
cated engineering division that sets the com-
pany apart from the competition, particularly
it’s complementary engineering, design and
style work provided to international compa-
nies worldwide to solve a variety of complex
problems at each stage of business. This even
includes tackling subsidy issues. Carpenter
highlights the importance of LJ Welding’s ex-
ceptional quality control, and how quality con-
trol requirements have risen significantly in the
oil and gas industry ever since the disastrous
British Petroleum oil spill of 2010 in the Gulf of
“We are a very large part of helping to au-
tomate that quality control process,” said Car-
business elite canada
JULY 2014
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