BEC / July / 2014 - page 132

“With any different culture, you have to re-
spect that culture and how they do business.
That is important, and going in we’re always
very sensitive to be respectful of differences,”
said Carpenter.
One of the reasons that LJ Welding focuses
on diversification and the respect for global
cultures and business practices is to be able to
excel in forming partnerships in various coun-
tries with its main expertise lying in welding
automation for the oil and gas industry.
“Diversifying through different industries was
not working for us so we decided stick to our
knitting as it were and oil and gas is certainly
our strong suit and we just went after the ex-
pansion on a geographical and global level and
it’s been working for us extremely well,” said
Carpenter. “A global focus takes the ebbs and
flows out of any particular industry. If it’s slow
in Alberta or Canada, it may not be slow in the
Middle East for example. It has also taken out
the peaks and valleys for us as far as our rev-
enue stream and cash-flow are concerned.”
Looking to the future, growth has not slowed
down for LJ Welding and has continued on the
business elite canada
JULY 2014
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