BEC / July / 2014 - page 128

mittedly didn’t quite know what they were
getting into at the time of purchase. But the fi-
nancial records looked good, Carpenter recalls,
even at that time and consequently LJ Welding
was purchased in partnership. Oddly enough,
the company up then for sale by its founder,
was brought to his father’s attention in conver-
sation with his realtor at the time— and it just
so happened to be a welding and machining
Carpenter’s career in development and sales
for a technology company and his experience
in financing heavy equipment prior to purchas-
ing LJ Welding attributed to its competitive
technological advantage in welding automa-
tion. He holds an educational background with
a BCom in international business and manage-
ment planning.
Earlier this year one of the company’s VP of
Global Sales, Rob Stuart, also joined as a part-
ner. Carpenter and a few initial co-owners, in-
cluding Ryan Holt and Tim Robinson, operated
and grew the company since they took over
the books from founder Larry James Wesley on
business elite canada
JULY 2014
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