individuals who demonstrate loyalty, de-
pendability, and strong work ethics.
The second step is to have an intense
training session combining classroom and
hands-on training. Third is their ongoing
training program that emphasizes atten-
tion to individual needs, as well as an un-
derstanding of how the individual fits into
the overall scheme of the company. The
refresher courses are offered every 90 to
120 days for those employees in need of
an update. Mislov said the company also
organizes training sessions every time a
new client comes on board to address in
detail the client’s specific needs.
Training at CCPC also goes well beyond col-
lection techniques since all staff is taught
to treat debtors with dignity and to offer
solutions. “We view our debtors as our
customers, and our people are trained to
listen rather than intimidate. We’re big on
zero tolerance around here. It really goes
a long way when you look at our higher re-
coveries and our low complaint rate,” Mis-
lov said.
The training program is just part of their
dedication to fostering teamwork and cre-
ating a strong corporate culture, according
132 business elite canada
JULY 2015