ums, residential apartment buildings, high
risk neighbourhoods, automotive dealer-
ships, warehouses, manufacturing facili-
ties, and more. Just recently, Interforce
International received its agency license
from the Ontario Provincial Police and Min-
istry of Private Security and Investigative
Services Branch to operate not only as a
security guard firm, but also as a private in-
vestigations firm. Interforce is a corporate
member of the Canadian Condominium In-
stitute, Toronto Construction Association,
and the Association of Chinese Canadian
Another noteworthy feature of Interforce
is that they are recognized under the Min-
“I noticed that in the security industry that technology is not really (well utilized),
even though it is security. Mostly what (other companies) do is that they give men
and women that are guarding their property a pen and paper and that is pretty
much it. So I decided to take a different approach and give them some gadgets
that would protect them in terms of productivity and in safety. That is how we
stand out.” Kien Hoang, President
140 business elite canada
JULY 2015