BEC / July / 2015 - page 139

his financial well-being when he decided to
open Interforce. But as they have watched
Hoang become a success, they have slow-
ly become more accepting of his decision.
His parents, however, are no strangers to
taking risks as they immigrated when Ho-
ang was an infant to Canada to escape the
VietnamWar. “We had nothing to do with
the war; we just wanted to live a safe and
normal life and raise a family and live in
peace,” said Hoang, noting that the tran-
sition was challenging for his family who
had to adapt to new food, new customs,
and new beliefs.
Both gambles paid off and Interforce In-
ternational Inc. is continually growing, cur-
rently employing 46 part-time and full-time
staff. The company works in a variety of
different sectors such as residential, com-
mercial, industrial, retail, education, health
care, government, mobile, loss prevention,
and parking enforcement. Their clients in-
clude construction sites, retail and whole-
sale stores, shopping malls, condomini-
Kien Hoang, President
JULY 2015
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