BEC / July / 2015 - page 136

though it is security,” Hoang said. “Most-
ly what (other companies) do is that they
give men and women that are guarding
their property a pen and paper and that is
pretty much it. So I decided to take a dif-
ferent approach and give them some gad-
gets that would protect them in terms of
productivity and in safety. That is how we
stand out.”
Hoang becomes acquainted with the latest
and greatest equipment by attending the
Asia World Expo in Hong Kong two times
a year, an event where vendors showcase
their innovative products for the security
“There were a couple of gadgets that
caught my mind and I brought them to
Canada,” said Hoang. “I brought those
technologies that were never seen in Can-
ada and that is how I won (the BBOAA).”
One of the technologies he implemented
in his company two years ago was the use
of body-worn cameras, the same technol-
2015 Brampton Outstanding Business Achievement Award (BOBAA) for Spirit of Innovation
136 business elite canada
JULY 2015
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