to Mislov. The office space has a lounge
area with a couch and a television to help
their employees cope with what can occa-
sionally be stressful situations.
“When employees are having a bad day,
they can escape to the lounge and just chill
out for a bit and then get back to work,”
said Mislov. “We also have an open door
policy with our employees. They can come
knock on the doors and talk about any is-
Canada is a multicultural country, which
Mislov said is reflected in the staff at
CCPC. “You walk in here and you can see
the multiculturalism within the company.
The diversity is good because we all work
well together. We make sure to hire peo-
ple who speak different languages in order
to communicate with our debtors, and we
always have French-speaking agents on
the collection floor for every shift.”
While credit agencies can often get nega-
tive publicity, Mislov said it is important
to note that the industry employs a large
number of Canadians and it offers a need-
ed service.
“If there were no collection agencies
around, the cost of doing business would
be more than it is today,” Mislov said. “If a
financial institution loses a million dollars
a year, for example, they know that once
they send it to an agency like us they know
that out of that million dollars, we will re-
coup a third of it to 50 per cent . . . so they
have not lost the full million dollars.”
He continued, “because what happens
is if they thought they would lose a mil-
lion dollars, then that money has to come
from somewhere.” That can lead to higher
front-end costs for customers such as in-
creased credit card rates as companies try
to recoup their losses.
Reducing front-end price hikes is one of
the important roles creditors play in soci-
ety, he said. “Could you imagine if nobody
paid their bills? It would be chaotic out
More information about Canadian Credit
Protection Corporation can be found at
JULY 2015
business elite canada 133