As proven by PowerTel’s half-century of
success, the company has a rock-solid
team of highly specialized powerline tech-
nicians, electricians, equipment operators,
mechanics and project management peo-
ple that are something both MacKinnon
and Rakib are keen to emphasise. Pow-
erTel emphasizes training as an integral
component to employee empowerment
with a stalwart dedication to safety, qual-
ity, and risk management. PowerTel‘s goal
is zero lost time accidents—providing qual-
ity service in a “Safety First” atmosphere
focuses on zero incidents period.
“The key to success in power line and sub-
station projects is the people,” says Rakib.
“Our line of work requires workers with
both a solid education and a great deal of
hands-on experience to be able to deliver
our customers’ projects. We have a highly
specialized work force that is, truly, the
backbone of our company.”
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