Foundation in 1988, what began as one
central office with only five staff mem-
bers has now grown to include seven of-
fices across the GTA and Hamilton with
close to 100 employees. As an indepen-
dent, registered charity, the organiza-
tion receives funding from government
agencies as well as private sector com-
panies and individuals, allowing The Ca-
reer Foundation to provide employment
services to their clients at no cost. Over
the past four years, they have served
over 15,000 unemployed or underem-
ployed clients and aided in the success-
ful employment of almost 3,000 people
during their 2014–2015 government
contract periods alone. Working closely
with more than 2,000 employers, The
Career Foundation continually exceeds
their agency goals, contributing to their
trustworthy reputation of being able to
deliver a positive impact on the bottom
While The Career Foundation is avail-
able to all ages, the agency is particu-
larly beneficial to those who might not
otherwise have access to free career
guidance and training. Most of the of-
fices are strategically based around
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