business elite canada
JUNE 2014
as he witnessed someone
pumping gas and trying to
get the pump to an even dol-
lar amount – even though the
individual was paying with a
credit card. Consumers, re-
gardless of age, still live in a
dual world of cash and card
based payments, so the idea
of changing the paradigm of
giving spare coins to charity
into giving card based pay-
ments was created.
“We’ve all had the op-
portunity to put money into
those little bins at the coun-
ter checkouts in the past, but
they tend to be disappearing
over time because of the in-
creased use of electronic pay-
ments,” said Beaton about
one of the new and signifi-
cant challenges facing chari-
ties today.
that challenge in creating
ChangeIt, a virtual change do-
nation program, seems to be
heavily verified by the statis-
tics. Simply put, a Polaris Stra-
tegic Insight Survey in 2013
found that about a quarter
of research respondents in-
dicated that they would give
more if there were more con-
venient ways to give.
“While a lot of charities
will support multiple forms
of payment, such as via credit
card, a lot of them are still in
the old age of cheques and
door-to-door solicitation. The